British seismic in occupied Western Sahara
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British oil firm Longreach Oil & Gas yesterday announced that they are currently undertaking seismic studies in occupied Western Sahara. The studies are carried out in violation of international law.

Published 22 November 2011

The UN stated in 2002 that it would be in violation of international law to carry out oil search in Western Sahara if the Saharawi had not expressed its consent. 

Without taking the people into account, the UK minor oil firm Longreach Oil & Gas has in partnership with San Leon Energy now started seismic surveys in the so-called Zag block on the notrh eastern section of occupied Western Sahara. 

The studies began in October 2011, and the information was published on a Longreach company presentation, published yesterday.

New drilling time set for the onshore explorers

The planned drilling of a well on the Zag block in - most probably - occupied Western Sahara has now been set to first half of 2014.

13 January 2013

Oil subcontractor pulls out of Western Sahara

"I have no problem in stating, in retrospect, that it might have been a bad idea to take this assignment”, CEO of seismic services firm Spectrum ASA told media today. Now, Irish oil minor San Leon has to find another subcontractor to process the geological data they collect from the occupied territory in violation of international law.

22 September 2011

Seismic surveys in occupied territories to start now

UK-Irish oil minors will start seismic surveys in occupied Western Sahara in June 2011.

07 May 2011

Illegal seismic programme delayed

The Irish/British companies illegally exploring for oil in occupied Western Sahara had planned seismic studies for Fourth Quarter this year. They have still not started, but the plans to carry out the programme remains.

03 December 2010